The results will bring up a section called User Profiles-those are all the Wi-Fi networks (aka WLANs, or wireless local area networks) you've accessed and saved. Some require such extreme patience that the café idea is going to look pretty good. However, there are other ways to get back on the wireless. Download an app for your phone like WiFi Map (Opens in a new window) (available for iOS (Opens in a new window) and Android (Opens in a new window)), and you'll have a list of millions of hotspots with free Wi-Fi for the taking (including some passwords for locked Wi-Fi connections if they're shared by any of the app's users). You could just go to a café, buy a latte, and use the "free" Wi-Fi there. Perhaps you forgot the password on your own network, or don't have neighbors willing to share the Wi-Fi goodness. Without a password or passphrase, you're not going to get access to that network, or the sweet, sweet internet that goes with it. The problem is, if there's a lock next to the network name (AKA the SSID, or service set identifier), that indicates security is activated.